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International Conference on Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering. Edition V

Welcome to ICNBME – 2023

ICNBME-2023 continues the series of International Conferences in the field of nanotechnologies and biomedical engineering. The Conference aims at bringing together scientists and engineers dealing with fundamental and applied research for reporting on the latest theoretical developments and applications in the fields involved.

The conference program will consist of plenary/keynote lectures, invited sessions, oral and poster sessions, and exhibitions.

ICNBME is a great opportunity for an exchange of ideas and presentation of the latest developments in all areas within the fields of nanotechnologies and biomedical engineering.

Papers will be published in the IFMBE Proceedings Series (Springer Nature).
IFMBE Proceedings are indexed by ISI Proceedings (Thomson Reuters), Scopus, Scimago, Google scholar.

ICNBME 2023 will be a great opportunity for an exchange of ideas and presentation of the latest developments in all areas within the fields of nanotechnologies and biomedical engineering.






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